Topic: Update : 0.4.3

No, FireGPG is not dead. Wwe're very busy, but here is a new update !

There are only new functionalities, who seem to be important to you (we revive a lot of mails and messages on the forum..)

Bugs :
- Nothing smile

- Option to disable auto-update. WE STRONGLY RECOMMAND TO NOT USE THIS.
- Add feature to add some option to gpg's command line. Dangerous, read the doc.
- Added more information when select a key (id, dates (created, expire))
- Sign&Crypt implemented. Information about this kind of messages are in a label of the editor or an alert box if the sign a valid.

Locales :
- Nothnig.

Misc :
- In regards to full support of OpenPGP/Mime, we're working on it.  We're about 25% of the way to completion.
- Don't forget to report bugs here or by email at !

Thanks you for using FireGPG !
    FireGPG's team.

Re: Update : 0.4.3

Just nitpicking. Version is 0.4.3 but in News you have mentioned

Re: Update : 0.4.3

Fixed ^_^

Thanks Lace.