(12 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)

gbcox wrote:

Running .50 release - not fixed for GAFYD using new version of gmail.  Works if you go to use "older version".  Working with new version for regular gmail accounts, but not GAFYD.

Yep.  Same problem here.  Well, at least there's a workaround.  When I need to send something encrypted, I can always switch interfaces.


(12 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)

No, my URL looks very similar to what I posted.  It has numbers in it:

https://mail.google.com/a/hotdog123.com … e=on#inbox

Is the URL when I'm in my inbox.  I've changed the actual domain name, but it has the same characters in it.

I have a Google Apps for Domains setup where the URL looks like:


where none of the buttons showed up.

I'm using Firefox 3 (release) + FireGPG 0.4.9 on MacOS 10.4 (Tiger).
I have the RTM extension loaded, but I disabled it and that didn't help any.

Getting this to work would be cool....thanks!  (BTW, the contextual menus work)