(3 replies, posted in New versions)

I was getting this when firefox tried to handle the update:

Firefox could not install the file at


because: Invalid file hash (possible download corruption)

I instead updated it from the site fine.  Might be something on my end but I thought I'd mention it.


(12 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)

you can get the version numbers from the news page: http://getfiregpg.org/news.html

i grabbed the svn though.


(12 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)

ah yes, the bug tracker.

thanks for the fix, it was bothering me enough to debug it myself smile.


(12 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)

That link just points to my post.

I did a search and couldn't find anything.  Oh well.


(12 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)

I've noticed that the inline detection doesn't check what the text's parent node is before applying the iframe.  This is a big problem when you have encrypted text in a textarea.  The encrypted text will magically disappear.  You can see what I mean here:


I played around a bit with the code and got it working by adding this to the HandlePage method:

if (node.parentNode.nodeName == 'TEXTAREA')


if (node.textContent.indexOf(Keyring.Tags.PgpBlockStart, idx) == -1)

I haven't done very much testing or anything.  Hope this helps though.