1 2008-07-11 16:49:45
Re: Encoding issues and public key selection (6 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
2 2008-07-11 16:25:37
Re: Encoding issues and public key selection (6 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Do you have any error in log ?
Which log? I tried setting NSPR_LOG_MODULES=all:5, but I don't know what to look for in all that output.
Can you send me your public key ?
I assume you meant the problematic public key and not mine. Anyway, I'll send it to
3 2008-07-09 14:12:27
Re: FireGPG 0.5 "phones home" upon startup, despite no_updates set true (2 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
As it's seem the xpcom is working, you can set extensions.firegpg.xpcom_state to 1 (the newstate value) and he will not send ping anymore beacause there is no changes
That worked perfectly! Thanks!
4 2008-07-09 13:38:57
Re: Encoding issues and public key selection (6 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
On witch plateform are you ?
I've tested it on Gentoo (with Unicode support, running only stable packets) on amd64 and Kubuntu Hardy Heron (patched) on x86. Both with the exact same results.
Is it working with enigmail ?
It works with Enigmail on both systems. All keys are shown.
What I do specifically is that I choose to encrypt a new mail with Enigmail to a recipient with no matching key (according to address). The "OpenPGP key selection" window that then appears works fine. It has almost the same encoding issue, "
5 2008-07-09 03:42:29
Topic: FireGPG 0.5 "phones home" upon startup, despite no_updates set true (2 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
I've set the following in prefs.js before the first restart of Firefox after installing FireGPG 0.5:
user_pref("extensions.firegpg.gpg_version", "0.5");
user_pref("extensions.firegpg.no_updates", true);
Despite this, I can se in netstat that is contacted just before the main Firefox window appears when I startup Firefox the first time, just like it does when update checking is not disabled. Should this happen?
The thing is that I'm building a LiveCD, so this will happen happen each time its restarted. This is further complicated by the fact that everything is routed through the Tor network. The delays imposed from that makes Firefox a reeeaaally slow starter as it seems the connection to needs to finish before the main windows of Firefox is shown. I had this exact problem in previous FireGPG versions (e.g. 0.4.8) when the two above things were not set in prefs.js. But these versions didn't have this problem -- the above settings did exactly what I wanted.
Debug output from Firefox (setting NSPR_LOG_MODULES=all:5) gave me this:
-1223883072[8a61eb8]: uri=
so it seems it still trying to do an update.
Is there an explanation for this? What can I do to prevent it? Is it a bug?
6 2008-07-09 03:19:05
Topic: Encoding issues and public key selection (6 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
When I select some text and choose to encrypt it, the public key selection dialog don't show all public keys I have. It turns out this is due to an encoding issue:
First, gpa shows the keys in the order they were imported. In my case, the seventh key's username has a swedish "