(1 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)

Firefox 3.0.4,  with only FireFTP and FireGPG as add-ons, crashes often on my system when using Gmail and when encrypting.

With any one of the two  add-ons disabled, everything works fine.

It looks like a previous problem which had been fixed is back again...



(4 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)

Just upgraded to 0.6.1, no other change to the setup (Ubuntu, Firefox 3.0.3),

GPG used to work perfectly before the upgrade.


"Error : FireGPG is unable to access the gpg executable. Make sure GPG is installed or specify the path in the preferences."

Specifying the path (/usr/bin/gpg) does not help.  Firefox restarted, system rebooted, GPG at the prompt working OK.

Any clue ?



(3 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)

Unfortunately, when you specify -homedir in the GPG options, GPG works OK, but FireGPG does not appear to use it, and it does not show you the content of the public keyring for example.

Could someone please explain how to let FireGPG find the keyrings when they are not in their default location for GPG ?

The GPG "homedir" option allows to set the keyrings on an USB key or a TrueCrypt volume.

Unfortunateley, when the keyrings are not stored in the default location, FireGPG does not find them.  Is there a way to set this (using the menus or using an environment variable) ?

Thank you in anticipation.
