My request still stands! No comments have been offered............. :-)
2 2009-01-04 03:54:54
Re: USB e-tokens with FireGPG (3 replies, posted in Requests)
I think I will elaborate a bit more as there is no reply so far.....
The intention is to use a private key for signing similar to what FireGPG is doing using GPG. The difference is that the key is resident on an e-token (a USB e-Token) and not on the GPG Keyring. Since the key never leaves the e-Token this will be a more secure implementation for FireGPG.
3 2008-11-05 04:46:15
Topic: USB e-tokens with FireGPG (3 replies, posted in Requests)
Is it possible to include e-tokens with Fire GPG so that the private key can be picked up from the e-token?