(1 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)

I've used FireGPG for some time, and it's a nice tool.
But today, trying to decrypt a mail, I got the message "Type error. this GPGAccess has no properties" and then, after choosing the FireGPG-Options "Error: Firegpg cannot access the IPC library...you have to upgrade to version 3 of firefox..."
o.k., sooner or later I will do that,  but what about compatibility with Firefox 2.0?
Is it cancelled? V 0.64 should work, why doesn't it? If it doesn't work with FF2.0, the update from 0.63 shouldn't  happen.
I know, there are security problems, but which version ist the last compatible with FF2.0.0.X ? And is it still available?
tia, bye