i have this problem also. Which let me think, that google has something broken in the changes nessesary for buzz.
Also the „Sign“ Button, which i set to allways on, is nomore preselected.
Forum for the FireGPG's extention. (!Don't post too links or wait we unban your, akismet is very aggressive)
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FireGPG Forum » Posts by Kirschner
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i have this problem also. Which let me think, that google has something broken in the changes nessesary for buzz.
Also the „Sign“ Button, which i set to allways on, is nomore preselected.
checkDock/compose chrome://firegpg/content/Webmails/Gmail/cgmail2.js 658 children[0] is undefined
No controls are shown in context of write mail.
Here the source of booth mails.
Today the recursion could not reproduced by viewing the mail.
Some recursion occured as i forward a signed mail an sign it too.
Also the attachments and the body of the mail were missing at the reciver, he got only the signature. But FireGPG says it send 780 kb and gmailhas the full mail in "show orginal".
I also mention that the Firegpg Controls are not always injected to the interface. Mostly i must shift reload or open the mail dialog in a new window. But this does not work for reply.
Just after the bunch of code between the Subject Line and attach File line forms into FireGPG Controls. (After this is cached the controls are not shown as code again in the same Session). The problem is still there. Every time, when the FireGPG Controls are shown then FF find that some encryption are broken.
Page info says: Connection Partially Encrypted
Ok, i think i can reuse this thread
Frist thanks for the tip with third party cookies, now firepgp works with FF3.1b3pre
Current Problem:
FF alerts with:
"You have requested an encrypted page that contains some unencrypted information. Information that you see or enter on this page could easily be read by a third party."
Every time, when i compose/reply a mail (when the FireGPG controls are shown).
FF self do a very bad job on this issue, cause it only alerts an does not block such content (even an IE 6.0 asks you if it should load unsave content on a https site). But the actual problem of this message comes from the html, maybe from a missing https somewhere.
This type of alert message have i only found in the 3.1 Version of FF, the 3.0 takes such unsave content without a doubt.
I have had problems with the FF3.1b2 too, thats why i use FF3.1b3pre
Its hiding here:
> If I sign an mail, with the new Gmail interface, than the signature.asc isn't recognized. "No signature found in this email."
In the old interface ? Normal. If it's with the new there is a problem.
In the new Interface
> Why have I to use the rightclick menue in the new Gmail interface to decrypt a message if the old Gmail interface has an direct link?
Anormal. New gmail interface autodecrypt mail. If they not, (and dosen't reconize sign) there is a problem.
So it is, i think the attached "Noname" file is part of the autodecryption, but it does not decrypt
> And last: the FirePGP options window is more than 800 pix high thats to much.
Resize it.
I tryed, but it is not possible, maybe this come from my custom windows skin.
Do you have any error, related to firegpg, when you read a mail in firefox console ?
No errors, just warnings:
Warning: The 'charCode' property of a keydown event should not be used. The value is meaningless.
Source File: https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&
Line: 0
I forgot to say all Tests with FF3.1b3pre nightly of 25.1.
Arg, my english.
Ok I will try:
If I encrypt a message and use the rightclick menue -> decrypt than I get only base64 encoded text.
If I sign an mail, with the new Gmail interface, than the signature.asc isn't recognized. "No signature found in this email."
If it is an inline signature only the old Gmail interface recognize it. But than firegpg says only "The first signature of this email is not valid."
If the mail was Signed and Encrypted and i decrypt it, the decrypt window say "Valid signature from ...". But the mail content is base64 encoded.
Why have I to use the rightclick menue in the new Gmail interface to decrypt a message if the old Gmail interface has an direct link?
And last: the FirePGP options window is more than 800 pix high thats to much.
Hope this is more clear.
As said on the Blog here the full message.
Hey thanks, this one works, but i have a little problem. I can not read base64
If i encrypt some text (in html mode or plain text mode) the decrypted text looks like that:
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64RW5jcnlwdGVk
And for some reason i dont know is the signature not recognized. "No signature found in this email."
This is for the old Interface if the signature is in a file. In the new interface this is every time not recognized.
But in Signed + Encypted mail the decrypt window shows that the Signature was found and valid
The old interface make it even worse. It says "The first signature of this email is not valid." if it is an inline signature.
I copy the Source of such a mail, hope this helps to track down the problem.
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: by with HTTP; Sun, 25 Jan 2009 13:19:49 -0800 (PST)
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 22:19:49 +0100
Delivered-To: xyzxyz@gmail.com
Message-ID: <5a374dab0901251319k53f39a4v8b50a50f2945f1e0@mail.gmail.com>
Subject: test
From: xyzxyz@gmail.com
To: xyzxyz@gmail.com
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=001636c5b125a277450461552ec8--001636c5b125a277450461552ec8
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA1Clear Sign and send, Formatted mode, no more content than this line
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Use GnuPG with Firefox : http://getfiregpg.org (Version: 0.7.2)iEYEARECAAYFAkl8120ACgkQbDj5/hoPzlqBUwCg2RTFVtG7JKBarqoJtQKYs4wg
-----END PGP SIGNATURE-------001636c5b125a277450461552ec8
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
<br>Hash: SHA1
<br>Clear Sign and send, Formatted mode, no more content than this line<br><br>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
<br>Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
<br>Comment: Use GnuPG with Firefox : <a href="http://getfiregpg.org">http://getfiregpg.org</a> (Version: 0.7.2)
<br>-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Tested with and without Customize Google
Old and new Interface
Adblock off, Noscript blocks nothing
I found a "Decrypt this email" Link in the old interface, why is this one not in the new interface?
The options window is to large for 800 pix high displays, like in my laptop (1280x800).
But to be not to negative the sign, encrypt, inline button are working as expected
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FireGPG Forum » Posts by Kirschner
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