I'd like to leave my humble request for a small improvement that could be done in future versions.

Please refer to the image below to see what I mean:


When the signature on an email is validated, a long string (color green or red) is placed at the bottom of the message showing the success or failure of the signature validation.

Personally, it's been bothering me for a while now that this string is very long and breaks GMail's UI, forcing the browser to show the horizontal scroll bar. Normally, I wouldn't mind having the ads placed away from my view on the far right, but things get complicated when you have an email with long paragraphs. They end up spanning aaaaalll the way to the right and we are forced to scroll along to continue reading it! It certainly becomes annoying after a while.

My suggestion is to get rid of this long validation string and replace it with an icon -- very much similar to the lock icons you now place in the message body, enclosing the deciphered content. This long string could be replaced with a simple icon that shows us if the signature validation succeeded or failed. A detailed message can be displayed as a tool tip (the yellow pop-up that appears when you keep the mouse over the icon for a while).

Anyway, I can't thank you enough for this plugin. I wish I had more time to dwelve into the source code and submit the changes myself for your review!

Great job!


(6 replies, posted in Misc)

Congrats on the new version (0.7.3). Seems to work fine with the new GMail UI.



(6 replies, posted in Misc)

No rush here.
Best of luyck to ya!


(6 replies, posted in Misc)

Somehow, I completely understand you smile


(6 replies, posted in Misc)

Did I just notice this yesterday? GMail seems to have been updated again. The UI has been changed with new buttons. FireGPG no longer works for me (0.7).

Anyone else had this problem?


the_glu wrote:

Ok, it's an another error...

Your firewall (at work | from your provider) autorisze connexions to smtp.gmail.com ?

Yes, I am behind a corporate firewall, which requires my domain user/password for access. I can start imagining how this works in the source code. I guess it won't work on some scenarios, like mine. This might already be in the wishlist, but using Firefox's proxy settings might be a good idea in the future smile

Thanks for the help!

the_glu wrote:

@juliohm : read my message...

In options, set the field to force the form value (last input box / gmail tab) to something like this : Your Name <your@email>

Sorry, my bad. But still no luck.

Here are the Firefox console with errors and my current settings.



While sending the message I can see the yellow alert on top "FireGPG is sending your mail...", but after sometime it goes away and this error shows up on the Firefox console. The message is never sent.

Thank God, someone else had this issue. I thought I was going crazy until you mentioned 0.7 and 0.7.2

I have 0.7 on one machine working fine, but my other one (with 0.7.2) stopped sending attached signatures or encrypting messages unless you send them as inline.

For example, if I enable the signature and disable the inline icon, the message is sent without any sigantures.

If I enable encryption and disable the inline icon, the message is also sent without any encryption.

It's only working with the inline icon enabled.

I hope this is easily fixed. I really love FireGPG. It's part of my essential Firefox tools.

Congrats on the awsome project!
