Hi again,
Maybe I didn't explain very well. I would like to be able to use FireGPG to encrypt and sign chats windows that appear inside Gmail (i.e. Google Talk). In this scenario, whenever I wrote anything on a google talk window (and had previously chosen the public key of the recipient) all the messages I sent were digitally signed by me and encrypted for that particular person. Also, all the messages I received would be encrypted but FireGPG would decrypt them on-the-fly as it already does with Gmail emails.
My questions are:
1. Does FireGPG do this?
2. Does any other program do this?
3. For the people who actually understand the code of FireGPG is this something which can be implemented in little time, or is this a lot of hard work to do? (I ask this because my first impression would be that it is very similar to what is already done for emails. But I don't know much about FireGPG code.)