chris_acheson wrote:

I've put together a software package with Firefox Portable, GnuPG, and FireGPG, all pre-configured and ready to use

Well done!
Thank you, Chris Acheson.

Trying to get others to use encryption with me has been difficult, because most don't have the patience to install the pieces.
Now I'll just point them to your self-extracting bundle.

-- Peter


(3 replies, posted in Requests)

Disappearing messages would worry me, too.
So I did some experimenting just now, trying to replicate the problem BeGe described.

First, a combination of clear text and encryption - saved - closed - opened.
Second, only encryption - also saved - closed - opened.
No problems at all.

Webfork suggested, "deactivate inline for this site", but I didn't do that, because I don't know enough to know where to do it.
So I'm just using plain vanilla FPGP and Google docs.
Why no problems for me, but problems for BeGe and Webfork?

Perhaps the reason it worked smoothly for me is that I used FPGP's text editor.
That works smoothly, but it still doesn't explain the disappearing described in the OP.

-- Peter


(2 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)

Ah, yes, I did just install "FireFTP" a few days ago.

Problem solved:
Today I disabled "FireFTP" and now "FireGPG" works smoothly again.

Thank you very much.

-- Peter


(2 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)

FGPG was working great, since first install a few weeks ago.
But suddenly, every time I go to use it, it crashes.
Happens on "Decrypt" or trying to use key manager.
Every time.

Firefox can not recover.
Must restart Firefox.

Crash report below.
I don't know what to do.
Can someone please advise where to start looking for this problem.

Thank you.

-- Peter

Mozilla Crash Reporter


BuildID: 20090824085414

ProductName: Firefox

Theme: classic/1.0

Throttleable: 1

Vendor: Mozilla
Version: 3.5.3

Hello -

I'm a new user of FireGPG, with some of the frustrations of a beginner.
Looking for a "pen pal" who will help me get started.
Is there someone here who will send and receive some emails with me?

I have friends who use conventional PGP.
They can't read my messages (from FirePGP) and I can't read theirs (from conventional PGP).
We don't know why, so here I am looking for someone to help me test this.

If anyone is willing to exchange a few messages, and do some trouble-shooting, I hope you will contact me.

I am running Firefox on a MacBook.

Thank you.

-- Peter

Chiangmai, Thailand