(2 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)

Thanks! Damn, my fault! neutral It's gpa2.exe...

But I am not able to work with FireGPG yet, I think I am just too stupid! Decrypting Messages I recieved is the main goal, but all I see is the remaining PGP message block and the alert:

Entschlüsseln fehlgeschlagen. Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten.
gpg: WARNUNG: "--no-use-agent" ist eine veraltete Option - sie hat keine Wirkung.

[GNUPG:] ENC_TO 6E5DF7766DF411BC 1 0



gpg: Entschlüsselung fehlgeschlagen: Kein geheimer Schlüssel


Sorry, its german. So give my translation a try:

"Decryption failed. An unknown error occured.
gpg: WARNING: "--no-use-agent" is an outaged option - it has no effekt."


"Decryption failed: No secret key"

Another error message is shown at the bottom of my gmail-webinterface. it says, gmail support is broken and ends up with the more detailed message:

checkDock/message chrome://firegpg/content/Webmails/Gmail/cgmail2.js 148 boutonboxs[j].getAttribute("class") is null

Please be kind, I do not have the time to read through the google search results at the very moment, but I'm not mad, if there would be no reply smile

I think I missed the dialog, where I am able to add public keys?

Best wishes and thanks again!
~ aaki


(2 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)


I'm not able to find a solution and no suggestion of the installation-wizard is solving my problem. What i did:

I deinstalled FireFTP and FireGPG, installed FireGPG again, defined the Path to to gpa.exe. And i do not have a strange plattform, maybe? :) I have WinXP with FF 3.5.3 and the FireGPG 0.7.9

Any other suggestions?

Thanks and Greets!!!
~ aaki