Thank you very much for your answer.

It was indeed a problem with the public keys, not that there were too many, but I had none (not even my own). I found a backup of my pubring.gpg and used this one. Now everythings work just fine.

Best regards


I've tested FireGPG successfully by generating a new key and everything works fine.

However, when I import my secret key with multiple uid's, gpg fails:

Signing failed because of an unknown error. Make sure a default private key has been set in the preferences.
gpg: no default secret key: secret key not available
gpg: [stdin]: clearsign failed: secret key not available

Neither selecting any default key, nor manually selecting the key works. I may have captured the command line used, if this is any help:

/usr/bin/gpg --quiet --no-tty --no-verbose --status-fd 2 --armor --batch --no-use-agent --default-key 123492D854870C81 --output - --passphrase-fd 0 --comment 'Use GnuPG with Firefox : (Version: 0.7.10)' --sign

I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 and have been using gpg for several years with Thunderbird.

Thanks for any help
