Ok, FireGPG (next release) will be gpg2 compatible
476 2009-01-21 22:10:51
Re: No public key list shown! (15 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
477 2009-01-21 17:16:09
Re: New to FireGPG, can't send signed and encrypted mail (16 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
You corespondant has to use your public key to send you a mail.
Please read the basic of gnupg on google or anywhere
478 2009-01-21 16:51:43
Re: New to FireGPG, can't send signed and encrypted mail (16 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
No, to decrypt you need a PRIVATE key, and YOU should have generated this key.
Contact the sender of the mail, he probably did a mistake...
479 2009-01-21 16:21:54
Re: New to FireGPG, can't send signed and encrypted mail (16 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
I don't understand
480 2009-01-21 16:19:59
Re: Signature not recognized - no validation (1 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Can you send us the source of the mail ?
If he is base64 encoded, I just fixed the bug
481 2009-01-21 13:54:30
Re: New to FireGPG, can't send signed and encrypted mail (16 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Yep, about your another problem it's works for me... (I have an error about private key not found, but it's what I want...)
482 2009-01-21 13:37:58
Re: New to FireGPG, can't send signed and encrypted mail (16 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Yep, use options of FireGPG to use your internal smtp server, ask your adminitrator, and it's should works
483 2009-01-21 11:58:07
Re: New to FireGPG, can't send signed and encrypted mail (16 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Hahaha, debuggin system is bugged
It's a problematric error, there was an error, but fireGPG didn't know witch error..
Can you send mail by smtp to gmail with eg. thinderbird ?
484 2009-01-21 11:45:06
Re: New to FireGPG, can't send signed and encrypted mail (16 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Not this one, but any another related to FireGPG ?
485 2009-01-21 11:29:02
Re: New to FireGPG, can't send signed and encrypted mail (16 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Hello again
Any error message in Firefox's console ?
486 2009-01-21 11:12:50
Re: New to FireGPG, can't decrypt email (4 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Ok thanks, I will test your mail asap
487 2009-01-21 10:07:06
Re: New to FireGPG, can't decrypt email (4 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Can you send us the source of the mail ? ('View original' in gmail)
488 2009-01-21 08:34:02
Re: back to an old version (7 replies, posted in Requests)
No it's can't only appear in 0.7, we didn't change way to access to gnupg since 0.6, and to make keylist since a long time.. You can revert as you want it's will probably don't change anything
Wait for the next release, here bug will (if I can) fixed
489 2009-01-20 23:43:05
Re: back to an old version (7 replies, posted in Requests)
See install page. But Why ?
490 2009-01-20 17:57:31
Re: No public key list shown! (15 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
491 2009-01-19 23:06:16
Re: Not compatible with FF2.0? (1 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Firefox 2.0 support has been dropped since 0.6
And yes update happen, dues to security problem, if you want an old version you install it.
All version are available from the update page.
Notice it's possible that installing FireFTP on version 2.0 make FireGPG working. (It's seem stupid as FireFTP make conflits on version 3, but it's could works)
PS: Fx 2.0 support will be dropped by mozilla, you should upgrade...
492 2009-01-19 21:50:30
Re: Incoming Decrypt Problem (6 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
No it's ok, I understand the problem
Thanks !
493 2009-01-19 20:44:34
Re: Incoming Decrypt Problem (6 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Ok, will be fixed
494 2009-01-19 20:02:08
Re: Incoming Decrypt Problem (6 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Hum, yep, FireGPG remove "headers", but there is not headers in your case so he remove the part of the mail who seem to be headers...
Who send the encrytped mail ? FireGPG ? Witch format ? (Openpgp/mime or inline ? {Check the source of the mail})
495 2009-01-19 18:40:10
Re: Import and export of secret keys. (8 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
FireGPG use gnupg, use gnupg, I don't know (in fact yes but it's depends) where gnupg keep his keys
496 2009-01-19 11:34:04
Topic: Major update: 0.7 (2 replies, posted in New versions)
* Keylist of search working again
* Removed toolbar in the code (but someone already see an FireGPG toolbar ? )
* Fixed a problem with encrypted text signed (too much information)
* Fixed problems with binary files attached in gmail
* Fixed a problem when autofetching key from keyservers
* Autosave is disabled again
* Add information about failures when importing keys form keyserver
* Prisme support
* {$FXFolder} keyword for gnupg path and gnupg commands (for Fx portable)
* Instantaneous check for Gmail
* Openpgp/mime support
* New gmail interface
* Gmail inline signature check improved
* Gmail decryption in-place for emails
* translate.getfiregpg.org is online !
* Adding missing Swedish locate
* Typo when key is missing (public and not private key)
* New locates: ja, cs, fa
* Install page is XHTML strict again
498 2009-01-19 00:04:43
Re: Import and export of secret keys. (8 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Security is always annoying (yes it's deliberate)
Use gpg's command line to import, import key may be useful in desktops gpg software, but we're speaking about a firefox -> web gpg software, what a private key is doing on our web ?
499 2009-01-18 11:24:12
Re: Portable Firefox and FireGPG (2 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Next. Release. I don't understand why it's hard to understand...
500 2009-01-17 12:53:33
Re: Problem in translation web interface (5 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Sorry, I didn't see your response
I fix the problem