Try with a custom command, it's the --comment option.
727 2008-02-18 18:01:09
Re: FireGPG compatibility with Firefox 3.0 (15 replies, posted in Requests)
> any menu/context-menu option gives the "select public key" window and does nothing else...
Arf, it's was something I add to work on this window.. Sorry.
Fixed, in SVN, you can re-checkout
728 2008-02-18 12:11:13
Re: FireGPG compatibility with Firefox 3.0 (15 replies, posted in Requests)
Hum.. I remember there is a problem with gmail in FF3 (fixed in svn)...
729 2008-02-16 12:18:28
Re: FireGPG compatibility with Firefox 3.0 (15 replies, posted in Requests)
The problem is it's done in SVN, and in the website's SVN , but we have some file to up to make all working, so with the SVN it's dosen't work for the moment. But all is ready.
730 2008-02-15 17:20:16
Re: FireGPG compatibility with Firefox 3.0 (15 replies, posted in Requests)
Already done in SVN. Wait .:)
731 2008-02-15 16:29:28
Re: Decrypt says 'Please select a valid PGP key before importing' (3 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
"Please select a valid PGP key before importing" is a false error text. It's mean there are non pgp data. Check you select all data of yuor encrpyted text !
732 2008-02-15 14:11:37
Re: Decryption Failed -- Unknown Error (4 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Strange I don't know. Wait for debug
733 2008-02-15 09:44:55
Re: Decryption Failed -- Unknown Error (4 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
"Just a side note -- Is there a way that possibly you could include a debug switch as an option in the gpg menu. This would help people like me actually that submit errors or problems help the developers. It might help to localize the code lines that were at least contributing to the error"
Yes, should be a good idea. I add this on the todo list.
For your problem, do you have it with all messages ?
735 2008-02-04 22:05:06
Re: "-Show quoted text-" Causes incorrect invalid signiture result [Gmail] (4 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
736 2008-01-26 10:05:33
Re: Buttons not showed (4 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
It's interesting if we can found the source of this problem
Witch another extension do you have ?
737 2008-01-25 18:30:16
Re: Update does not use SSL (2 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Ok, I do some cheks, and we dosen't need https for firefox3, but updates files will be signed (not the extention).
I will look if we can sign the xpi now
738 2008-01-25 18:27:32
Re: Buttons not showed (4 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
It's only gmail who dosen't work, or all firegpg features ? (Is the contextual menu working ?)
On a new profile (use the profile manager to create a new one, for this run firefox in a command line with the -p option) it's works ?
739 2008-01-25 07:26:12
Re: Update does not use SSL (2 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
And Firefox 3 wants https. We haven't the choise
740 2008-01-24 16:52:11
Re: Problem verifiing signed mails using thunderbird and enigmail (4 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Added to todo list, we will see where is the problem
741 2008-01-21 10:38:58
Topic: Update : 0.4.8 (0 replies, posted in New versions)
This new version fixes some (big ) bugs and brings some small improvements.
* Fixed a problem with signature verification saying signature is valid (with a blank key) when it's not.
* Fixed a big problem with timestamp : now displays the timestamp of the signature, and not the current date and time...
* Fixed a big problem with array's protype (ConQuery works now, Firebug doesn't show strange information, SwitchProxy works too,...) (it seems the bug has appeared with a Firefox update)
* Fixed a problem with "sign and crypt" on Windows (thanks to kevdog)
* "Decrypt this mail" works again now
* Added timestamp info for signature inside an encrypted text.
* Added an option to enable GPG-agent
* Support for all Gmail versions (including Google Apps for your domain). Thanks to Mr. Rousseau for his support.
* First version of FireGPG API ! A permitted website can use FireGPG features. For the moment, we plan to use this with Roundcube webmail, but if you're interested in the API for your website, checkout FireGPG from our subversion repository and have a look at the api_client folder.
* English corrections by Sebastien Wains
* New locale : Hebrew by Echetz
* New locale : Serbian by Fedor Lucic
* Nothing
742 2008-01-21 10:21:19
Re: PGP key with multiple signature subkeys -- (1 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
For the movement, FireGPG dosen't support subkeys, so gpg choose himself the right key (1B8810C5) when we pass 7EBCE6DE.
I don't no if it's possible to have more that one signing/encrypting key in one key.. As I see, kgpg work every time with the main key...
743 2008-01-21 07:10:29
Re: Can sign, Can encrypt, But can not sign and encrypt (23 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Ok, thanks. It's seem you dosen't realy update FireGPG on your first pc, do you clear the firefox cache for extensions ? (For the chrome in general ?)
Btw thanks for the bug with the password..
744 2008-01-20 11:19:51
Re: "No signature found in this email" when signature is attached (2 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
We know the 'problem', it's simply we haven't implemented this feature, we will do this in same time we will able to make signs as this
745 2008-01-20 11:14:16
Re: Can sign, Can encrypt, But can not sign and encrypt (23 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
That not I didn't want you use it, that I was working in the options panel, and I wanted to give you as fast as possible a version who correct your bug, but the version I committed at 14:00 haven't an option windows working, that only this... So when I wrote my message, the svn was realy unable to work. I know you use it (we warned (?) you but you do what you wants and doesn't make special xpi for you
Is your problem fixed with the last version ?
For the password, the problem was in cgpgaccess.js, line for windows, there was an extra space. The password is asked form misc.js (getPrivatePassword), who call getPassword in the same file, who will open password.xul windows.
746 2008-01-19 19:45:23
Re: firegpg and gpg-agent (1 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
There is an option (extensions.firegpg.no_gpg_agent), but in the code she aren't used (always disable gpg agent)
I will make it working
747 2008-01-19 14:54:01
Re: Can sign, Can encrypt, But can not sign and encrypt (23 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Ok, I found the error for the password, now it's should works..
BTW, THE CURRENT SVN VERSION IS UNSTABLE (I'm currently working on it), so came back to the current relase after your tests.
748 2008-01-19 11:58:36
Re: Can sign, Can encrypt, But can not sign and encrypt (23 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
Are you using the new or the old gmail interface ?
The bug who erase all was still here, but now it's realy should works
749 2008-01-18 16:20:31
Re: Can sign, Can encrypt, But can not sign and encrypt (23 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
I have found the problem ^^. (And I have removed the bog who erase all the mail with the error )
The key of the recipient aren't trusted so gpg doesn't wants to use it. We normally add an option to ignore this problem, but I forgot to add it on the windows command line x].
Will come with the next release
750 2008-01-18 06:56:03
Re: Invalid signature created according to Mutt (6 replies, posted in Bugs & problems)
As gmail have a strange output with mail, we remove some characters (like some %AO), wo aren't in the mail source's code. Maybe it's this.