Topic: Getting started

I can't find any docs about getting started.  I'm familiar with gpg under kmail.  For gmail I'm using firefox  My main requirement is to exchange encrypted mail.

After restarting firefox I went to an encrypted message, but saw the gpg block as before, and no clue as to how to decrypt it.  What's the next step?


Re: Getting started

From what I understand, messages need to be sent using a specific format--simply including a PGP block in an email isn't the right way. Try sending an email using FireGPG's features to yourself (you will see new options in the Compose window).

Re: Getting started

Thanks for replying.  I'd missed the (rather small) 'Decrypt this email' at the bottom.  Yes, FireGPG seems really quite slick.  Well done, the developers.

Re: Getting started

The 'decrypt this email' button works, but displays the email in a new window. Isn't there a way that will decrypt in such a way that I can properly reply to a message?

Re: Getting started … ask_id=100 wink

Re: Getting started

I'm the first person to suggest this? I'd expect that the ultimate goal of this plugin is to make GPG work without me even noticing : I enter my pass phrase when I start an email session, and after that I only send/receive email without ever wanting to see PGP encoded emails again - it should be done in the background and only notifying me that emails are secure. I've switched to the Eudora (Penelope) + Enigmail combo now which works flawless.

I'm sorry if this sounded rude - that's not intended. I understand you're programming all this for free and in your spare time and I'd never be able to program anything like this. I'm trying to say what I currently don't like about this extension.

Re: Getting started

Notice a key manager is planned , but all take a lot of time wink