Topic: signature not explicity verified when receiving sign+encrypt

(using firegpg 0.7.9 on FF 3.5.2 on a Mac 10.5.8)

When I decrypt a sign+encrypt email, it doesn't show me information about the validity of the signature, time of signature, etc. like it does when it verifies a signature without encryption.  It would be nice if the same information about signatures were shown regardless of encryption state. best, Joe

PS: although the long, linked text displayed with a valid signature to the right of "Forward" is probably too long (especially if the longer version is available by clicking it).  I'd suggest changing this (note the "<br>" after the second-to-last close parenthesis):

Signed mail (This message has been signed with the valid key ID Joseph Lorenzo Hall <> (made on Mon Sep 28 07:24:01 2009)


Signed mail (valid key ID Joseph Lorenzo Hall <> (Mon Sep 28 07:24:01 2009))

or even:

Valid signature (Joseph Lorenzo Hall <> (Mon Sep 28 07:24:01 2009))

Re: signature not explicity verified when receiving sign+encrypt

Just click on the "Valid signature" or check the 2th checkbox in gmail's pane of options wink

Re: signature not explicity verified when receiving sign+encrypt

There is no "valid signature" when I sign+encrypt.

That is, if I 1) sign+encrypt and send; 2) open the message and decrypt, this is what I see:

and the 2nd checkbox in FireGPG options for me is "Display FireGPG's website address in GnuPG comment field", which doesn't seem to be related to signature validation information.

thanks for your work! best, Joe

Re: signature not explicity verified when receiving sign+encrypt

It's the 3th, sorry.

And yep it's strange that no signature is found. I will investigate wink

Re: signature not explicity verified when receiving sign+encrypt

Fixed, next release wink

Re: signature not explicity verified when receiving sign+encrypt

woo! You're the man (not sure if that translates well).
