Topic: signature not explicity verified when receiving sign+encrypt
(using firegpg 0.7.9 on FF 3.5.2 on a Mac 10.5.8)
When I decrypt a sign+encrypt email, it doesn't show me information about the validity of the signature, time of signature, etc. like it does when it verifies a signature without encryption. It would be nice if the same information about signatures were shown regardless of encryption state. best, Joe
PS: although the long, linked text displayed with a valid signature to the right of "Forward" is probably too long (especially if the longer version is available by clicking it). I'd suggest changing this (note the "<br>" after the second-to-last close parenthesis):
Signed mail (This message has been signed with the valid key ID Joseph Lorenzo Hall <> (made on Mon Sep 28 07:24:01 2009)
Signed mail (valid key ID Joseph Lorenzo Hall <> (Mon Sep 28 07:24:01 2009))
or even:
Valid signature (Joseph Lorenzo Hall <> (Mon Sep 28 07:24:01 2009))