Topic: Firefox 3.6

Can I Try to install the  FireGPG's extention on my FF version ?

Or have I to whait and see ??

Best regards

Re: Firefox 3.6

Just go on and install it as usual ...

Re: Firefox 3.6

For some reason, FireFox 3.6+ does not display/decrypt messages.  The display shows extra blank lines between each line in the PGP message.  Using the editor, I can copy and paste the message, remove the blank lines, and decrypt.  However it won't decrypt inline.  Anybody else have this problem?

I'll look at the code and see about detecting consecutive newlines and limiting them to only one.

Re: Firefox 3.6

Here are some sample results showing the differences between Firefox 3.5 and 3.6.
I replaced a "-" with an "x" in the "BEGIN PGP MESSAGE" lines so that FireGPG doesn't detect it.

Firefox 3.5:

<body xmlns="" id="firegpg-inline" class="caution">
        <div id="trusted-confirm" title="If this number is in your status bar, it's a real FireGPG block">qZNh</div>
        <div id="header">PGP Encrypted Message</div>
        <pre id="output" style="display: none;"/>
        <div id="message"/>
        <div id="options">
            <span tabindex="0" id="toggle-original">Hide original</span> |
            <span tabindex="0" id="action">Decrypt</span> |
            <span tabindex="0" id="switch-direction">Switch direction</span>

        <pre id="original" style="display: block;">--x--BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)

-----END PGP MESSAGE-----</pre>

Firefox 3.6:

<html xmlns="">
        <title>Block context</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="block.css"/>
    <body id="firegpg-inline" class="failure">
        <div id="trusted-confirm" title="If this number is in your status bar, it's a real FireGPG block"/>
        <div id="header">PGP Encrypted Message</div>
        <pre id="output" style="display: block;">Decryption failed. Unknown error.
gpg: WARNING: "--no-use-agent" is an obsolete option - it has no effect
gpg: invalid radix64 character 3A skipped
gpg: invalid radix64 character 2E skipped
gpg: invalid radix64 character 2E skipped
gpg: invalid radix64 character 28 skipped
gpg: invalid radix64 character 29 skipped
gpg: CRC error; 7B67B9 - 418C54
gpg: [don't know]: invalid packet (ctb=55)</pre>
        <div id="message" style="direction: ltr;"/>
        <div id="options">
            <span tabindex="0" id="toggle-original">Hide original</span> |
            <span tabindex="0" id="action">Decrypt</span> |
            <span tabindex="0" id="switch-direction">Switch direction</span>

        <pre id="original" style="display: block; direction: ltr;">--x--BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)




-----END PGP MESSAGE-----</pre>

I don't know why 3.5 doesn't get the <html> and <head> blocks like 3.6.  Other than that, they look similar until the actual PGP message starts.  For 3.6, it puts and extra Line Feed (LF) character for EVERY line--including lines that only have a LF, i.e., after the "Version" line.  The 3.5 sample came from a Linux box (the Linux system hasn't put out a 3.6 version yet).  The 3.6 version came from a MSW Vista box.

The samples were captured by highlighting the entire "PGP Encrypted Message" block, right click, View Selection Source .

Re: Firefox 3.6

Yippy!  Found the problem.

1) The raw PGP message from the original HTML is processed into a <pre> </pre> block.
2) FireGPG wash function (in cselect.js) replaces all <br>s with newlines (\n).

However, most PGP blocks already include newlines within the HTML right after each <br>.  Therefore, the <pre> block doubles up on the newlines it contains in the text.

Firefox 3.5 used to automatically replace multiple whitespace characters (including newlines) with a single whitespace.  This is an error within the context of a <pre> block.

Firefox 3.6 apparently fixes that error.

The fix to FireGPG is relatively simple.

Blocks that look like:

<div class="PlainText">--x--BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----<br>
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)<br>
-----END PGP MESSAGE-----<br>

or like:

<div class="PlainText">--x--BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----<br>Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)<br><br><br><br>=aaaa<br>-----END PGP MESSAGE-----<br>

should both end up looking like:

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)

I'll send in some code.

Re: Firefox 3.6

This is still a problem for me.