Topic: Q: Encryption useless because of gmail's draft autosave feature?
First of all, I am very happy about FireGPG. I am using gmail for most of my email conversation, but en- and decryption was the only occasion I was still using thunderbird (with the OpenPGP extension).
Anyway, I think there is a serious problem with the concept how FireGPG works within gmail: While you type your text, gmail will save the draft automatically from time to time, on its own server. This means, that
1. the mail that you are going to encryt will be sent thru the web unencrypted and
2. the mail will be stored - at least for some time - on gmails server, also unencrypted.
So far I could not find a way in gmail to disable the autosave feature.
Or does FireGPG disable the autosave functionality? Then you would be one step ahead :-)